My pilgrimage of Blog platform
その後、Blogger に2008年に移行し、さらに 2013年にPosthaven に移行して、2015年にまたMovableType を使い始め、現在ははてなブログを使用しています。
My first blog was on TypePad, which was based on MovableType. I had used Typepad from 2003 to 2007.
And I moved to Blogger in 2008, I migrated to Posthaven in 2013, I came back to MovableType in 2015 and now I use Hatena Blog Service.
They have a navigation side bar and main article pane. Those article might be archived by date and tag.
And most of them allow their users to use Markdown to compose a post.
All of them are similar. Those are system basically as same as MovableType.
I've always customized their CSS and have added/removed widgets on the side bar.
I feel drained.
Svbtle is new
The blogging platform Svbtle was released in 2011.
Svbtle certainly appeal to those looking for just a barebones blog.
Its layouts have a clean and minimal style.
Its composition screen is built around drafts. Users can note down their ideas and jot down ideas as they arrive and slowly work those drafts into pieces worth publishing.
I can not customize anything in Svbtle. I just can do writing here.
I will try to evaluate Svbtle for a while as a candidate of my new blog platform.