About me

My name is 沙門 (Shamon). That's what I call myself. I'm the administrator of this weblog.
沙門 is "Śramaṇa" in Sanskrit, meaning "seeker, one who performs acts of austerity, ascetic."
I love cars, computers, guitars, new experiences, and that first sip and smell of coffee in the morning that comes close to convincing you that all is right with the world.
When I find the time, I write here about the shiny, sparkly things that catch my eye. You might enjoy reading about software, Macs, gadgets, guitars, or my love for SUBARU.
When I was seventeen, I discovered home computers, and I've been fascinated with them ever since. For more than 30 years, I worked as an engineer.
In the spring of 2023, I was diagnosed with advanced prostate cancer. I will eventually succumb to this disease, but until then, I will continue to write about my daily life on this weblog.