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IFTTT が3つのAI搭載のサービスを追加したので、これらのサービスが使える 有償プランに切り替えて試してみました。
AI Content Creator
AI Content Creator は、IFTTTのスマホアプリのガジェットから入力された 内容からブログのドラフト文章を生成して、Google Docsなどに吐き出してくれます。
例えば、「シン・仮面ライダーは見るべき価値があるか?」みたいな テーマを与えると以下のような文章を生成してくれました。
Title: Is the New Kamen Rider Show, Shin Kamen Rider, Worth Watching?
Kamen Rider, the popular Japanese superhero franchise, has been entertaining fans for over forty years. The latest addition to the series, Shin Kamen Rider, is set to release this year. But many fans are wondering if it will live up to the expectations set by its predecessors. After watching the trailers and reading up on the show's premise and characters, it's safe to say that Shin Kamen Rider is definitely worth watching. With a darker and grittier tone, this show promises to be a refreshing take on the beloved franchise. The protagonist, Shin, is a young man who gains the power to transform into Kamen Rider after being experimented on by a sinister organization. But unlike the typical Kamen Rider hero, Shin struggles with controlling his powers and carries a lot of emotional baggage. This adds depth and complexity to his character, making him a relatable and engaging protagonist. The supporting cast also seems promising, with each character having their own unique motivations and backstories. The villains, too, are intriguing and mysterious, with their true intentions yet to be revealed. One of the standout aspects of Shin Kamen Rider is its visuals. The special effects and suit designs are top-notch, making the action sequences look both thrilling and realistic. The cinematography also deserves praise, with its moody lighting and clever camera angles adding to the show's dark atmosphere. However, it's important to note that Shin Kamen Rider may not be suitable for younger audiences due to its mature themes and graphic violence. But for fans of the franchise who are looking for something a little different, this show is definitely worth checking out. In conclusion, Shin Kamen Rider is shaping up to be an exciting and refreshing addition to the Kamen Rider franchise. With its captivating characters, impressive visuals, and dark tone, it's definitely worth giving a watch.
AI Summarizer
AI Summarizerは、RSSフィードからブログや記事を読み取り 更新があった記事のサマリーをメールしてくれます。
例えば、前立腺がん闘病封じ込め記「 根津神社参拝と祖父母コレクション 」から生成されたサマリーは以下のようなものです。
The author visited Nezu Shrine in Bunkyo Ward to see the stone torii gate that their grandfather donated. The gate is located at the end of a row of red torii gates and leads to the main hall of the shrine. The author also enjoyed the beautiful scenery of the shrine during the azalea festival and reflected on their memories with their grandparents. (筆者は、祖父が寄贈した石の鳥居を見るために、文京区の根津神社を訪れました。この鳥居は、赤い鳥居が連なる奥にあり、本殿へと続いている。また、つつじ祭りで神社の美しい景色を楽しみながら、祖父母との思い出を振り返りました。)