The reasons why I will quit Svbtle

カテゴリー:  Tech タグ:  web/tech

It's so Svbtle


Svbltle is very bare-bone blogging platform as they said. Its design is clean and simple.


There's no widgets you can added. You can not modify any stylesheets and any templates in Svtle. All you can customize are choosing an accent colour and adding an avatar.

付け加えるようなウィジットもありません。Svbtle のスタイルシートもテンプレートも変更できません。唯一できることは、アクセントカラーの変更とアバター画像を追加することくらいです。

It looks beautiful and nice.


You would never be annoyed "customize" anymore.



And Unposted drafts are stored as "IDEAs" in Svtle admin panel. It means that you can write down your ideas in Svbtle when they strike you and you polish your ideas as articles.


And Svbtle supports Github flavored Markdown and code highlighter.

また、Github flavored Markdown とコードシンタックスに応じたハイライトがサポートされています。

You can add images by dragging images into draft in Svtle. Svbtle would upload the image and generate a markdown statement for the image.


the reasons why I will quite Svbtle

I will quite Svbtle in this month.


The reasons are :

  1. The way to access past articles in Svbtle is not provided. Svbtle does not provide any functions for archiving by month and searching past articles.
  2. Lack of Internationalization Support. As a fact, Svbtle support only PDT timezone.
  3. ugly code highlighter.I can't put up with such ugly looking.


  1. 過去記事にアクセスする手段がない。月別のアーカイブや検索機能もありません。
  2. 国際化対応の不足。実際、記事の時間もPDTでしかサポートされていません。
  3. コード色分けが醜い。我慢ならないです。

Anyway, Svbtle was great. It is magnificent that Svbtle made Svbtle-like-design popular.



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