Ayadn - App.Netの強力なCommand Line Client

カテゴリー:  Tech タグ:  app.net sns software





$> sudo gem install ayadn 


$> ayadn authorize




コマンドラインのなので閲覧にはどうかと思いますが、さっとタイムラインに短い投稿をするくらいであればむしろ使いやすいかもしれません。しかも、コマンドラインなのでリダイレクトできる(具体的なメリット思いつきませんが)。コマンドのnowplayingなんて今聴いてる曲をiTunesから取得して iTMSのリンクとアマゾンのアートワークのリンクを埋めてポストをやってくれます。

iTermなどを使用すると、画面分割で2画面。さらにタブで他のストリームも見ながらいろいろと処理できそうです。以下のような感じで一方に ScrollオプションをつけてTimelineを眺めながら気になったポストについてリプライしたり、投稿ユーザーの情報を調べたりしています。


Ayadn commands:
  ayadn alias COMMAND (PARAM)      # Create/delete/list aliases for channels (-A)
  ayadn authorize                  # Authorize Ayadn (-AU)
  ayadn auto                       # Auto post every line of input to App.net
  ayadn blacklist COMMAND (PARAM)  # Manage your blacklist (-K)
  ayadn block @USERNAME            # Block @username (-BL)
  ayadn blocked                    # List the users you blocked (-bkd)
  ayadn channels                   # List your active channels (-ch)
  ayadn checkins                   # Show the Checkins Stream (-ck)
  ayadn conversations              # Show the Conversations Stream (-cq)
  ayadn convo POST                 # Show the conversation thread around a post (-co)
  ayadn delete POST                # Delete a post (-D)
  ayadn delete_m CHANNEL MESSAGE   # Delete a message (-DM)
  ayadn download FILE              # Download the file with id FILE (-df)
  ayadn files                      # List your files (-fl)
  ayadn follow @USERNAME           # Follow @username (-FO)
  ayadn followers @USERNAME        # List users following @username (-fwr)
  ayadn followings @USERNAME       # List users @username is following (-fwg)
  ayadn global                     # Show the Global Stream (-gl)
  ayadn hashtag HASHTAG            # Show recent posts containing #HASHTAG (-t)
  ayadn help [COMMAND]             # Describe available commands or one specific command
  ayadn interactions               # Show your recent ADN activity (-int)
  ayadn mark POST (TITLE)          # Bookmark a conversation / manage bookmarks
  ayadn mentions @USERNAME         # Show posts containing a mention of @username (-m)
  ayadn messages CHANNEL           # Show messages in a CHANNEL (-ms)
  ayadn messages_unread            # Show your unread private messages (-pmu)
  ayadn movie TITLE                # Create a post from a movie title (-NW)
  ayadn mute @USERNAME             # Mute @username (-MU)
  ayadn muted                      # List the users you muted (-mtd)
  ayadn nowplaying                 # Post the current playing track from iTunes or Last...
  ayadn photos                     # Show the Photos Stream (-ph)
  ayadn pin POST TAG(S)            # Export a post's link and text with tags to Pinboard
  ayadn pm @USERNAME               # Send a private message to @username
  ayadn post Your text             # Simple post to App.net (-P)
  ayadn postinfo POST              # Show detailed informations about a post (-pi)
  ayadn random                     # Show random posts from App.net (-rnd)
  ayadn reply POST                 # Reply to post n°POST (-R)
  ayadn repost POST                # Repost a post (-O)
  ayadn search WORD(S)             # Show recents posts containing WORD(S) (-s)
  ayadn send CHANNEL               # Send a message to a CHANNEL (-C)
  ayadn set TYPE PARAM VALUE       # Set/configure a parameter and save it
  ayadn settings                   # List current Ayadn settings (-sg)
  ayadn star POST                  # Star a post (-ST)
  ayadn switch @USERNAME           # Switch between authorized App.net accounts (-@)
  ayadn timeline                   # Show your App.net timeline, aka the Unified Stream...
  ayadn trending                   # Show the Trending Stream (-tr)
  ayadn tvshow TITLE               # Create a post from a TV show title (-TV)
  ayadn unauthorize @USERNAME      # Unauthorize an Ayadn user account (-UA)
  ayadn unblock @USERNAME          # Unblock @username (-UB)
  ayadn unfollow @USERNAME         # Unfollow @username (-UF)
  ayadn unmute @USERNAME           # Unmute @username (-UM)
  ayadn unrepost POST              # Unrepost a post (-UR)
  ayadn unstar POST                # Unstar a post (-US)
  ayadn userinfo @USERNAME         # Show detailed informations about @username (-ui)
  ayadn userposts @USERNAME        # Show posts by @username (-up)
  ayadn userupdate                 # Update your user profile informations (-U)
  ayadn version                    # Show the current Ayadn version (-v)
  ayadn whatstarred @USERNAME      # Show posts starred by @username (-was)
  ayadn whoreposted POST           # List users who reposted a post (-wor)
  ayadn whostarred POST            # List users who starred a post (-wos)
  ayadn write                      # Multi-line post to App.net (-W)


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